This story is an adaptation of the TNI Black OPs document originally released by RNI, the links in the original document have since all died however after reaching out to Cordy herself we were able to reobtain the images lost to time.
You can read the original "TNI, The Truth" document here.
And the TNI Black Ops document here.
Manticore, the Elite something something something of MP. No one has ever really known what they do, its a pointless sub division that does the job of MP officers. We all knew that its nothing special nothing to leak there. Well. What if I told you they once had a purpose other than being the mini mods of MP... What if I told you after working with RNI and renowned leaker CordytheNordy we have some interesting shit about Manticore.
From the cringe "[CLASSIFIED]" section when looking at their general duties section of the guidelines to the under cover IPC rip off team who's sole mission was to stop RNI from spreading the truth Manticore has a long past full of members misbehaving and "covert" operations to shut down anyone the Administration chooses.
This moves us nicely onto the Manticore SAT team. Manticore? Really? Special Operations? I thought they were useless as well until now.
Manticore Special Assignment Team
The Manticore SAT was a team seemingly created for one task, take down RNI from the inside. This is an odd task for the roleplay division's SUB division to have right? This seems like its more than roleplay right? From leaked official documents created and owned by TNI there is information instructing "agents" on how to infiltrate groups and how to take down what they deem as "threats" however the only known actions taken by Manticore SAT were that of the group responsible for attempting to get into and take down RNI this is backed up by both their guidelines AND their "Manticore SAT Report Template" as both specifically mention the task of taking down RNI. Why not use IPC and instead the roleplay focused sub division for this task?
You will often find those involved either saying you don't need to know anything, or being super cryptic and feeling special when they talk about it. Probably getting a hard on for how special and awesome they are because they are apart of a rip off CIA type shit.
Anyway this team was tasked with taking RNI down from the inside, how were they going to do it? Alts, yep that's it, just alts. That was the grand plan of this great team.
It is believed by those within the SAT team that Manticore was removed originally because the High Command was worried about its members or the stuff it had done. A lot of their members weren't happy with what they were doing, hence why some of them went on to tell their stories.
As stated before, those involved either don't say anything or bloat about how cool they were to be in such a "cool" team. Edgy. Random was often seen doing both, acting mysterious and edgy, then outright boasting about how the memory will never die.
It is Random who confirms that this document is real at the time however since the original release we have gone to further efforts to figure it out and can confirm that the then Deputy Chief of MP posted the document in the MP Discord himself. The original document posted by Cordy was often censored in TNI, there was more than just this story on it however this seemed to piss off MP the most.
By interviewing former TNI agents, RNI have learned that agents would join groups hated by TNI using alternative accounts, achieve high ranks, then use their ranks to admin abuse the group, destroying documents and banning members until there was almost nothing left.
Sometimes, TNI would infiltrate groups simply to keep an eye on them. RNI received unconfirmed reports of them infiltrating the Robine, the Dark Knight Corps, the First Encounter Assault Recon, the Soviet Union (the one owned by Vikinglaw), and AEGIS. There’s no telling what else they might have done.
Manticore SAT guidelines also specifically mention the take down of RNI. As stated before this seems to be the main purpose of this team. The Administration was worried about what RNI may uncover and wanted to put a stop to it ASAP. Their report template also mentions this specifically, how odd.
We are back to the question why not use IPC? We weren't sure at first either however after a discussion the most likely answer is because Manticore was more disposable and easier to disconnect from the Administration, as they proved to us by shutting down Manticore shortly after this incident became public the first time, it gave the Administration some fall guys who would let them do what they wanted while making it look like it wasn't their idea.
You can read the full Manticore SAT document and template report here:
If for some reason the Administration take it down here are copies of both documents:
There are more special operations teams that the Administration use for these acts and we will be releasing updated pages on each and every one of them as we continue to gather the Information.
Whistle-blowers are vital to our continued effort to really show what the Administration is up to. This may not bother you to much however what we have lined up just might.
We don’t always have a whistle-blowers willing to expose injustice. What else has the Administration done? What are they hiding?
Keep Leaking - The Black Beacon Team
On an extra note:
All of us working within Black Beacon would like to thank Cordy and the original RNI team for their work and we hope to continue it into the future. Remember if you want to call out injustice within TNI please don't hesitate to reach out to us via our anonymous whistle blower form here: