For those of you who are either new, or lived under a rock during TNIs glory days Winterite was a member of TNIs Administration. Within TNI, Winterite has held significant roles, including Arch Admiral, Chancellor of Red Cell, Chief of MP, on his alt account MissAlysha. He has left TNI and not returned to the public eye for a few years.
If we put aside the obvious, pretending to be a woman act which he has been open and public about since, Winterite is a strange overly sexual dude clearly deprived of what he wants most.
This page is based on testimonies collected at the time by Cordy and her team at RNI, backed up by screenshots and retold today with help from Cordy herself. Please note that we continue to keep the identity of Winterite's victim private for their own safety as they continue to heal from this incident.
Winterite's Emotional Blackmail
We have to go back a little way for this story as it is one that happened during lockdown in 2020. Winterite had just finished his career when RNI got reports that he had sexually harassed a female member of TNI and was forced to resign from his positions within TNI. This came as no surprise to RNI at the time, as they had received several reports of similar incidents. However, RNI was and will always be committed to thorough investigations, so as they did not have sufficient evidence they did not release any of the information about these reports.
Bradydog1, a prominent member of TNI was sent screenshots of the DMs between Winterite and his victim. You can find their conversation below.
As you can see for yourselves in these screenshots Winterite was a manipulative sexpest who liked nothing more than getting his way with females by any means.
Winterites is victim told him that she intended to leave TNI and/or any other groups they shared, and he responded by declaring his “love” for her, stating that he thinks she would want to be with him. She responded by "Did I say that" in response to him saying she had told him that she wanted to be with him.
Following that exchange, he continued pestering her with intrusive and disturbing messages, until he sent her a picture, which appears to be of a sidewalk. A road is visible to the right, and what appears to be a fence is visible to the left, which indicates the photo was taken in an urban setting. The way the ground is illuminated also suggests that this happened late at night. His victim responded to the image by asking if he was going to do something stupid, to which he replied in the affirmative. She asked if it was because she didn’t want to date him, and he responded by saying that the image he had sent demonstrated how badly he wanted to be with her. She asked what the image was, and he replied by stating that it was a “pavement”, and that he was walking to the sea...
Walking to the sea...?
No additional screenshots were received, but testimony from Winterite’s victim at the time taken by RNI agents indicated that the two had had similar conversations in the past.
From the available screenshots it is suggested that Winterite was walking to the body of the water because his victim did not wish to be with him. It doesn't take someone with a physiological degree to determine he was walking to the sea was because he either intended to drown himself or leap from a coastal cliff. This is manipulation. When one person threatens to commit self-harm if the other does not comply with their demands. It is a horrific tactic used by people like Winterite to get their way with other people.
The Administrations Coverup
After the incident RNI agents worked to find out what happened, after speaking to Brady, someone who is greatly thanked for his work with RNI, who was directly involved in the high levels of the Justice Council at the time they got him to confirm that Winterite had infact committed these crimes.
Below is the conversation between Brady and Winterite's victim.
It should be noted that at this time Brady was still in TNI and under orders to keep this data secret. However as many of you know shortly afterwards Bradydog1 was completely blacklisted from all of TNI by IntenseSnows for the following reason:
Incited riots, created and managed an illegal group chat to shit talk and turn people against an Admiral, treason.
In reality he had shared their coverup of Winterite with RNI, the people the Administration hate the most.
After his blacklist is when Brady shared the screenshots he had collected during his time in the Justice Council including the screenshots shown above between Winterite and his victim.
Don't believe that Winterite was forced to resign?
Here's him saying that he was:
Here Winterite claims he wasn't forced to resign which would mean Admin didn't mind having someone like this in leadership. I'm not sure which one is worse, the coverup or the idea that they didn't mind.
After Winter left the TNI Administration there was upset when he was brought back to lead the Red Cell, this seem to happen because they didn't want to "disturb the rocks" - they didn't want to show his crimes publicly and wanted to pretend all was well.
The following is a conversation between Cordy and Boby, an IPC agent and Admiral at the time.
From this conversation it was clearly the idea of the High Command that they would rather have a manipulative creep leading a community than "upset" them by publicly blacklisting him.
The following are conversations taken from DMs between RNI founder Cordy and some of Cryptonox's closest friends regarding the Winterite issue:
They knew, they didn't care, they would rather keep the image of the Imperium as clean as possible even if that meant leaving someone like Winterite in charge.
Think about that, not surprising considering the recent Shinedown incident.
If you would like to read a more in depth and detailed explanation, including more coverups by the Administration you can do here:
To conclude Winterite is not a nice guy, he never was and after this whole scandal, after the Administration went to the lengths of blacklisting people who tried speaking out, after he emotionally blackmailed a female member of TNI, he was still allowed to go on and become the Chancellor of Red Cell showing just how much the Administration did not care. Did not care for the victim, did not care for the safety of the rest of TNI.
Whistle-blowers are vital to our continued effort to really show what the Administration is up to. This is why us at Black Beacon and the previous team at RNI are forever thankful for people like Brady, calling out the injustice for the greater good.
We don’t always have a whistle-blowers willing to expose injustice. What else has the Administration done? What are they hiding?
Keep Leaking - The Black Beacon Team
On an extra note:
All of us working within Black Beacon would like to thank Cordy and the original RNI team for their work and we hope to continue it into the future. Remember if you want to call out injustice within TNI please don't hesitate to reach out to us via our anonymous whistle blower form here: